Saturday, August 8, 2015

BOOM! Just Like That! Friend Or Enemy?

Well...Well...If you were not watching Bring It last night...dang you missed the show...LOL..Lord have mercy, I don't when I have been more wide eyed and been more glued to the TV, than last night.

It was the "Storm In Jackson" last night. We have been hearing the rumors, talking among ourselves and speculating on What happened with Zatia and Tawantza. NOW we more speculating. Dianna has tolerated and put up with Tawantza and her negativity 4 EVER. Last night was the end of that mess. Tawantza made her final mistake by thinking she could go off about Dianna in the room with the other DDP. Heffer PLEASE! Mimi, Tina, Rittany, not to mention Selena. ALL long time DDP who support Dianna! LOL WOW! Talk about mistakes! That was the QUEEN of mistakes.

And in true form, Dianna snapped right off on her. LOL..I love this woman....she never hesitates to just SAY it! LOL! She made it very CLEAR, you are either WITH the DOLLS or YOU are an ENEMY! My thoughts exactly! When Tawantza came on the show, I thought, Dang this girl talks lots of shit to be a DDP! Sure Nuff, THAT was her downfall. Dianna TOLD her...YOUR MOUTH is the problem, NOT Zatia! So Tawantza is the REAL REASON, Zatia isn't at the Dollhouse anymore!

If you don't know WHEN to shut up, you are going to ALWAYS put your damn foot in your mouth! LOL! Fact! Sadly, her kid is the one who loses...NOBODY is going to put up with the negativity and hate, Tawantza brings along, with Zatia. And Dianna damn sure ain't gonna put up with it...She flat told her, she couldn't do it and too sorry...but Bye Girl! LOL...WOW...I thought for a minute, Dianna may come off the chair and get closer to Tawantza's.....with her hands....around her silly ole neck......KMSL...

But the cat is out of the bag now and hopefully, we can move forward to bigger and better the new bad ass dance teams that are coming to Battle the Dolls! And Kayla, Ms D's new Assistant AND the new choreography that is giving the Dolls so much more of an advantage. How about how Camryn KILLED it last night, as Captain.

No hesitation or backing up...She hit the floor full steam and never let up...She led the Dolls to a victory over the Purple Diamonds, easily. And though many were doubting Cammie's ability to pull it off, Mama Mimi, never wavered...she was confident her baby was fixing to blow it up! AND SHE DID!....You knew Mama!

What about that girl Kayla? Or I should I say...Asst Kayla? Kayla has wowed us over and over throughout the last couple of Seasons. Her determination and dedication to be the Best At Being Captain, has kept us cheering her on. Last night this girl, came out like the Queen, we have named her. She was strong and tough and she wasn't going easy on anybody.

She stepped right into the Asst Coaching position, without missing a beat. She knew Camryn could be tough and she didn't hesitate to let Cammie know what she was expecting from her. After last night, I think it is safe to say, Dianna made an excellent decision, making Kayla her Assistant! I think it expands the horizons for the both the show and the Dollhouse's future.

Of course we have gotten comments on the DDS Nation pages about the negative aspects...Folks minding others people's"What about College? I thought she got a scholarship?" or "Dang, she just gonna ride on Ms. D's dime, instead of creating her own life?" LOL...Well for you folks, I would say...MIND YOUR BUSINESS! Tina and Terrell have GOT THIS!...LOL..And I am betting Kayla does too! So all you people still looking for the negative...BYE!

We can't talk about last night and not talk about those beautiful girls Sunjai, Star &  Skye. Sunjai always Brings It when she hits the floor and the Twins joined the Stand Battle last night, turning it up, like we haven't seen them do before. They are growing up and getting more beautiful each time we see them...To see them hit the floor and nail it, was very cool! We know our girl Selena is as proud as can be....she never fails in her support of all of her kids...Sometimes, we look at her twice, but she is a great mom and loves those babies..and she is beautiful herself...Love seeing these ladies work as a family!

What's else happened last night? Oh yes, NEW DOLLS...Ms. Jaelen...Former Doll...went to the Purple she is back with the Dancing Dolls. More to come on Jaelen later...but one thing is for sure..her Mom Nashamba is not shy about supporting her baby...we saw total support and pride beaming through her last night. She knows her daughter can dance and she is going to be right there telling folks....LOL..We Welcome Jaelen and Nashamba BACK to the Dolls. We look forward to hearing about them and watching Jaelen dance. She is beautiful and rocked the floor last night.

Okay, Dance Talent....Well them Purple Diamonds, Jackson's other Dance School, are still burning up the floor. They are talented and always bring great dance choreography to every competition. Their Coach is tough and works them hard. Though her and Dianna spark at times, I think they are  Hometown Acquaintances and have tremendous respect for each other. But the Purple Diamonds are always a force to be reckoned with. They are precise and prepared at every event. They brought it last night but the Dolls brought it better.

The other teams that participated last night are the Altanta Glitter ( Atlanta Georgia of course and Fierce Elite ( from Little Rock Arkansas. Links are for their Facebook pages if you want more information. These teams were tough and its fantastic to see new faces on the floor. Though we are always excited to see what the Divas or Purple Diamonds are up to...seeing the talent from other places gives us something unfamiliar and exciting to look forward to each week....AND it is very cool for other Dance Teams to get that exposure. We can't wait to see what and who Dianna has in store for us next week.

So winding down topics on this recap we have to mention Tamia...We know you saw her last night. Hmmph...FB was blowing up with people saying...Oooohhhh...I saw Tamia...What's Up? LOL..Well due to the magic of TV, you may see her some STOP speculating...Its a cycle of working through episodes...she will be phased out with the Season progressing. LOL...She hasn't much as that hurts some of you folks. LIG!

The 2nd episode of Season 2B is in the can and all you can say is WOW! WOW because it was a roller coaster of things happening...Tawantza after weeks and weeks of mess from her on the Social Media.....New Job for our Sweetheart Kayla...that she ROCKED......Camryn taking that Captain Position and Claiming LIKE A BOSS....New Blood in the Dollhouse that has Mad Skills....WOW! What a second Episode!...I need a nap just talking about it...LOL..

Social Media also blew up with the Haters...Tawantza..JustinJ....this negative person..that negative person...maddening and funny....We knew Tawantza would get going and it never fails that our sad friend was going to open up and add to the fray!

Last and ALWAYS LEAST...Our Little Insecure Boy, JustinJ got his tiny little TWO CENTS in last night....His misery is getting so old...I don't even have the energy to talk about it anymore...He IS CLUELESS...JOBLESS...LOVELESS.....MORALESS....CARELESS...AND USELESS!....SO the LESS We discuss him...the LESS he gets under our skin....HOW DO YOU LISTEN TO STUPID? YOU DON'T! He is hedging his bets on a TV show....WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT DUMMY?...LOL..NOT Worth My Effort To Discuss Much!..Bye JustinJ..Go Play In Your Blankie....LOL...
We hope your enjoyed the Second Episode of Season 2B....We loved it.....A surprise a second! LOL....Needless to say it was a fantastic show and ONCE AGAIN...Ya'll BLEW UP Social Media....Bring It Trended Way Up there last night for the 2ND TIME!


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