Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Lifetime Of Dancing: Graduating From Baby Dancing Doll To The Dancing Dolls: Meet Kayla Griffin

In our ongoing effort to get to know our Dancing Dolls better, we are introducing Kayla Griffin, this week.
Yes, I did say KAYLA..not our Current, Captain Kayla, but a graduate and previous Captain, from the Baby Dancing Dolls. Kayla Griffin is a familiar face, that you just didn't know, was familiar. You have seen her on Bring It and more than likely, have seen her on Facebook or Twitter. She is a beautiful young lady, who stands out in her dance and her personality.

We talked with Kayla's Mom, Meia. We wanted to know everything she was willing to tell us. Of course, our first question was, How long has Kayla been a member of the Dollhouse Dance Factory? Her Mom told us, Kayla joined the Baby Dancing Dolls at the ripe, young age of 5. She has been dancing now, for 6 years. The next obvious question we had, was: "What has it been like for Kayla to transition from the Baby Dancing Dolls to the Dancing Dolls? Are there going to be more practices? More time involved to participate? She told us that the change has been a definite challenge for Kayla. She said, "Dancing with the Dolls is a whole new world. Even though they are 1 team, they dance on totally different levels." And of course practice is longer she told us, because the dance styles are so different." Well, of course...LOL...She also said both teams "Bring It" when they dance but the Dancing Dolls do a lot of stunts and routines that are much longer than the BDD."

Our next question was about Kayla's favorite style of dance. Meia said, "One thing I wanted Kayla to be, when she first started dancing, was versatile. She started with ballet, Tap and Majorette, but overall her favorite is Majorette and that seems to be her stronger type of dance."

And you know we could not let this great chance go by without asking about the future and what Kayla wants to do after the Dolls and school? Does she want to go to college? Will she stay involved in dance? Meia says the decision to continue dance is something Kayla will decide as she gets older. She does have a deep interest in Engineering and her college of choice will probably be Mississippi State. If she continues to dance, Meia says she will be happy with whatever decision she makes. She told DDS Nation, "I support Kayla in whatever she decides to do."

Since Meia is a DDP, we were wondering about her dance history and experience. We were so surprised to find out that Meia was actually a Dancing Doll herself. Under the direction of a lady named, Ms Charollette. Meia is like all proud moms. She told us, "It's amazing that Kayla kept the legacy alive...or is okay to just say, She Gets It From Her Mom?" And we know that is where she gets it girl. You go with that one. I like that description.

We wanted to know what effect, being on the Show and being more recognized, has had on Kayla and the family? Meia told us that Kayla didn't tell her friends at school about being on the Show, until recently. Which was an easier secret to keep in private school. However, other people recognized her walking by and would stare & say outloud, "Theres that Captain from the Baby Dancing Dolls". Others just come up and ask for a picture with her. Her Mom says it has definitely been an adjustment, to get used to folks, doing the things they do. Meia says Kayla is pretty neutral about the show. She just loves to dance..if she is on to her the bigger thing is dancing..

We also wanted to get an idea of what parents like Meia, thought about the Show and all of the popularity. She said it was a mixed blessing for Jackson and for The Dollhouse Dance Factory. Exposure for the team is great and letting the world know what Jackson, Mississippi has to offer, is absolutely wonderful, she said. She said on the negative side, it had created many emotional situations among parents. Parent's, whose children, are not chosen to be on TV, tend to get on their feelings pretty easily. Meia was quick to add, "It's been a rocky road, but with God, all of this is possible!"

Our final question for Meia was about Kayla becoming Captain of the Dancing Dolls someday. She told us that people are always asking her about that. She said, "She might, you just never know. I am just waiting to see what the Dancing Dolls have in store for her." And we know that Kayla has been a fantastic Captain for the BDD, so being Captain for the Dancing Dolls, would be a natural transition for her.

We know at DDS Nation that Kayla is going to be an exciting addition to the Dolls and is going to dance her heart out. We look forward to watching her grow up with the Dancing Dolls. Hey Kayla...we are DDS Nation and We Are Behind You 125%!   Thanks Meia for giving us a wonderful interview. We will be watching and cheering for ya'll.


  1. Kayla Griffin did a good job with the baby dancing dolls and she was a very good captain 👏 I love her so much


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