Sunday, July 19, 2015


Well DDS Nation, we are just days away from the New Season of Bring It. seems like it has been years since the last Season. But we have had lots of entertainment over the break. From Mama Drama to total meltdown in the Dollhouse, we have seen a wide variety of mess happening.

If you are just now getting on board with the Dancing Dolls or have been on break too, then you have missed a lot. During the break several girls have left and several Moms have left as well. When the next Season begins in 13 days, Tamia will be absent and Zatia and her Mom Tawantza will be absent from the cast. Due to disagreements, disgruntled folks and limited tolerance for Crap, Ms. Dianna has gone on a Dollhouse Dance Factory Cleanup Session...LOL

So as we get ready to start the new Season, Social Media is burning up with sour grapes. Our wild-eyed, angry mom, Tawantza is taking to the Social Media sites to plead her case and gain support for her supposed injustice. She feels like the whole thing has been a mistake and that Dianna has been unfair. She is targeting other DDP, that she has had problems with, by calling them out with threats and insults. She has gone so far as to attack both Dianna and Robert, with ugly name calling and innuendos of bad behavior. It would seem she is throwing a hissy fit over the whole thing.

We have all seen this behavior from people around us, before. You know those folks that lose their jobs and its ALL because of somebody else? Yes that person! Well, that is what is happening here.

I don't know all the details of the argument, about anybody that left. I know, what we have been told by folks, at the Dollhouse. So, as I have said before...Dianna OWNS the Dollhouse Dance Factory...She is in charge...SO if it was her decision to put folks out, I trust she knows what the hell she is doing.  Having said that, I would like to address our disgruntled Mama, Tawantza.

Sugar, sit down somewhere and put your life together. You are acting ridiculous! You have a beautiful child, that can Why You Still Mad? From the first day you showed up on the show, I had a bad feeling, about your participation. You appeared to be negative and petty and full of yourself. That has proven to be the case, for sure. Your latest antics, online, is definitive proof that you are too immature and too selfish, to make it too far. So seeing how you have acted, just confirms what I knew already.

What is sad about it all, is your child. You could move on and do great things to help her, but you won't. You are spending valuable time, making yourself look like a nut. All those threats and meeting somebody to fight and all of that dumb shit, is ridiculous....GROW UP! YOU GOT PUT OUT! YOU MESSED UP! ACCEPT THAT AND MOVE ON! FOCUS ON YOUR CHILD...NOT ON THE PAST! Don't end up going to jail or messing up the rest of your life, over your anger.

You are not going to make your situation any better by continuing to put this fight in the street. You just look stupid. So WHAT is your ultimate Goal? Is it to prove to the world that you an ignorant, backwards, country bumpkin? OR, do you have the intelligence to wrap up the bullshit and do what it takes to help Zatia, become what she wants to be? It would be a very sad thing to see such a beautiful opportunity go out the window, because you can't see past yourself and your mistakes! And ALL of those SO-CALLED Supporters on your Instagram and other Social Media, LOL....are just there until you are not the newest, shiny object in the box anymore...which won't be long.....they are NOT your friends.

I don't do back and forth arguing on Social Media...ain't down for that....However, I still roll with the Dolls and with Dianna Williams. I still stand firm in my support of their mission and not as an Ass Kisser, as was posted on your Instagram. I don't have to kiss ASS, I see the results of what they do, up close and personal

. So I will continue to defend and support the show and them. Your ranting and raving hasn't changed that. I will also continue to call out the folks that choose to show you. And what you obviously DON'T KNOW, is these folks have put their time in this business...All YOU did was FOLLOW ALONG....If YOU had a valid argument for WHY you were put out, I might feel sympathy for your cause...but obviously you don't. So the question remains? WHY YOU STILL MAD THOUGH? MOVE AROUND & MOVE ON!

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Well DDS Nation...we are only 20 days away from the next Season of Bring It! It has been a long stretch between the Seasons and we are all anxiously, awaiting, the new shows. Over the last couple of months, we have watched many things happen. The rumor mills have been working overtime...Is Tamia gone? Is Zatia gone? Who is going to be Captain? What is a Crab? LOL...All kinds of questions and speculations going on. But it has kept us all busy and not so bored. We are all on the edge of our seats waiting for answers...LOL.

One thing that we have seen throughout this entire break is "Grace Under Fire"! The entire break has been filled with more and more beautiful things happening in the Dollhouse. Dianna hasn't flinched with the all the noise in her ear. When she began this journey, she had a plan. Though the plan may have veered in unknown directions, at has never changed. Dianna knew where she wanted to go a long time ago..and now she is slowly but surely fulfilling each obligation, to get to that goal.

Her Dianna Williams Entertainment...the new school in offices for her corporation..all things that were in the works...long before the show and long before everybody loved her to pieces. Now those dreams are turning into reality. As we get ready for this new Season of Bring It, we also should be ready to watch this Starship soar even higher. It isn't stopping with one more Season. This is just another step forward.

We have watched Dianna and the girls learn to handle the spotlight like Pros. They went from being shy and scared to blossoming into experts at posing for the cameras and dealing with the thousands of fans, clamoring trying to get a piece of them. It has been an amazing journey to watch. From being called a Small Town, Country showing an elegant, educated, well spoken woman, with her own mind and her own spirit. It has been so inspiring to see. I knew from the first time I saw the show, Dianna was going to be here, for awhile. Her determination and tenacity were shining brightly from the very beginning. The hunger for success has served her well throughout this journey.

We are all sitting on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next season and our girls are making their way, across the country, sponsoring Camps and loving the fans. From Chicago to Dallas, girls are continuing to flock to weekend camps to get the chance to dance with Kayla, Camryn and the rest of the Dolls participating.. Fans are filling up the Sunday Shows and getting to spend some great quality time with Dianna and the girls in the "Meet & Greet" Sessions. We have seen such great pictures of them having a blast, all across the country. Watch for me in Dallas...I have 3 granddaughters in Camp and I have tickets for everything...LOL. I hope to talk to our DDP and some of the girls..and if I am SUPER LUCKY, I am going to finally get to give Dianna a hug. I am excited..I will be wearing one of our DDS Nation T Shirts...Watch for pictures.!

So as we countdown to the next Season with our Dancing Dolls, we are excited and anxious to see where they go from here. We have watched Kayla and the other Senior Dolls graduate and get ready to move on to their futures, so we know, going into the new Season, changes are coming. It will be fun to see what transpires next. One thing we are sure of, Dianna is in control. She's got this and though speculation has ranged from total disbelief to total mistrust of her capablities, TRUE Fans KNOW she is smart and no doubt, knows what she is doing. For us, we want to watch her climb higher and to reach more and more folks that love dance and love what she stands for.

Get ready DDS Nation....We are just around the corner from Season 2B....How Will YOU Bring It For The Next Season?

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