Sunday, May 24, 2015

BULLIES: Surviving The Pain & Winning In Life!


noun, plural bullies.
1.a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers
and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

2.a person hired to do violence.

3.a pimp; procurer. verb (used with object), bullied, bullying. act the bully toward; intimidate; domineer. verb (used without object), bullied, bullying. be loudly arrogant and overbearing.

6. cow, browbeat, coerce; terrorize, tyrannize.

British Dictionary definitions for bully
a person who hurts, persecutes, or intimidates weaker people
(archaic) a hired ruffian

Before Facebook and Twitter...before the Internet and Cell phones..there were BULLIES. For thousands of years there have been Bullies. We hear about it more now, than ever before, because of the Internet. However, Bullies are not a new thing. And there are different types of Bullies. As you can see in the definition above, they come in all forms.
Dianna posted a kick off to a new project called #DD4LFansAgainstBullies. This was in response to a Young Fan, she was communicating with. She is a victim of bullying. She has gotten to the point of wanting to commit suicide. Dianna has been telling her how important it was, for her to see, how much folks cared. We hope that everyone has been posting the hashtag above, on the status updates to spread the word. We also hope that if YOU KNOW someone dealing with bullying, you will share this story of survival. There is hope.
I don't know how old this fan is but I wanted to send a special shout-out to her. YOU ARE NOT ALONE...YOU CAN SURVIVE & WIN! No matter what you think you look like or who you think you are...YOU ARE IMPORTANT! That’s why we wanted to tell the story of, a Survivor of Bullying.

She started life in a time when there were no computers or cell phones. When girls were told to stay in their place and not cause trouble. When life was supposed to be simpler and more open and honest. But her world was full of constant fear. Each day brought tears and untold feelings that never went away. As the sun rose in the sky each morning, she would wake up, wondering, what she would have to do that day, to avoid the people, who always seemed to be in the shadows, waiting to torture her.

From the drunken, tirades of her mother, who seemed to only call her by the horrible name she had given her, years before, to the brother, who lived to make her life miserable, to the kids at school, who talked about her family, under their breath and teased her unmercifully . Each morning, she just wanted, to not wake up and to not have to deal with the day. But each time, she knew, she had no choice but to just stand up and face it. Living in a time when suicide was considered a sin and kids just didn't do stuff like that, killing herself was never an option.

She knew she wanted to live and she knew there were people who cared and who loved her, even though it seemed they weren’t paying attention. She just didn't know how to get the support she needed. By age 12 and 1/2, her life, was to the point of total chaos. The abuse and bullying by her Mother had escalated into physical abuse and her brother's level of abuse had increased to regular sexual abuse. The only place she had always felt safe, was gone. Her grandmother had passed and she was on her own to either fight or to just accept it and to know that by accepting, her life would probably be over.

But just like all the times before, her heart told her to fight. To fight with everything she knew. Once accepting that she was not going to take it and that she was willing to do whatever it took to come out of it, her mind was made up. After yet one more fierce episode with her Mom and yet one more bad outcome, she packed what she could carry and walked away from this horrible world. A world that had made her more than ready, to move forward to something else.

Her hope of being totally free from bullying with this drastic move, appeared to be closer than ever. But with life and with bullies, just moving away or running away, doesn't guarantee that you are free of bullying. There are bullies everywhere. They are everywhere because bullies come from situations where they have problems too. Going to an Orphanage, makes that truth more reality, than most folks can absorb.

There are hundreds of kids, all pulled from the only families they have known, thrown together with untrained adults, trying to monitor everybody and everything. The bullying combinations become endless.
Her shyness and lack of self-confidence, made her an instant target & her newly, blossoming body made her even more vulnerable. The bullying seemed to take on a different form in the children's home. She didn't feel the threatening family connection anymore but felt like she was out in the middle of a war, all on her own, with no one to tell or ask for help. She knew that she had to learn to take care of herself and to defend herself, if she was going to survive.

It seemed like 4 years took 10, to her. It finally seemed like she had made she had overcome the bullies and the bad people in her life. Graduation was being set free from prison. She felt strong and sure that she would never have to go through being bullied and abused ever again.

Then she met him. The one thing, she had never encountered in her life. A man, who both stole her heart and shook her world. He was handsome and strong and had all of the right conversations. But he too was a bully. He too, had his way of intimidation and domineering ways. He too was living through his own set of problems. He too wanted the control and power that bullying gives people. Through 16 years of beatings and abuse and degrading, name calling, along with putting her on the street to make money, she succumbed to the bullying. She had been taught that you get married, you have children, you stay until they are grown. So she spent those years, thinking, yet again, she was trapped and there was no way out of the horror, she had allowed. Her children were her saving grace and she clung to that as much as she could.

It would seem, with her life getting turned totally upside down, there would never be a chance to get out of the abuse, she had accepted for so long. Drug abuse...beatings...forced behavior and exploitation appeared to be the final chapter of her life. She was to the bottom of the barrel and at the end of her rope. She had allowed herself to be bullied for so long, she no longer wanted to fight. She only wanted it to stop. She just wanted to be at peace and to be finished with her crazy, out of control life. For the first time in her entire life, she felt her only option was to do what so many were doing. To take her own life. To end the pain and the torture and to give up on trying to be happy or to be okay.

As she stood waiting for the end of her life to be full filled, she prayed what she thought was her final prayer. She asked God to forgive her for being weak and to take care of her family and her children. While she prayed that final prayer, she began to feel a peace in her heart, she had never felt before. But the peace didn't come from knowing her life was about to end, it came from relief that she wouldn't have to be that person anymore....relief from living in terror every single day.
But God wasn't ready for her to go and the next step she made, changed the course of her life forever. Like turning on a light in a dark room, the words she heard, made her realize that she was valuable and important...if to no one else but God...she was worthy of being alive. She heard in her heart, God say, " I make no mistakes and you are valuable to me. Lean on me child, You still have work to do. Know that I will carry you until you are strong again!"
As the tears poured down, the fear went away and the courage, she remembered from so long ago, began to come back. She walked away from the abuse. She declared her freedom from bullying and her freedom from the chains of feeling like she wasn't good enough to be part of this life. She started her journey to becoming the person, God brought her here to be.

Through the years, she has crossed the paths of Bullies, many times. She has dropped her guard but has never again wavered in her promise to NEVER allow ANYONE to make her feel unworthy or unloved again. Because of that promise, she has become strong and confident and capable of standing up to anyone who threatens to Bully or Intimidate or Abuse, who she is.

After years of working on being who she is today, she has also influenced the people around her. Her children, her grandchildren, her friends and family all know she is tough and she don't play about bullying. This has encouraged them to stand up against bullies themselves and to be the protectors of those they meet who appear to be victims. Her confidence that no matter, what she looks like, she is a beautiful person and no matter the opinions of others, she is a valuable part of this world, shows in the work she does and the life she lives.

Bullies are people who have problems themselves. But that doesn't give them permission to abuse others. Whether by the words said or the actions taken, bullying comes in many different ways. It is not okay. It is not funny. It is not cool. 

The girl in the story above is me. I grew up in an abusive, alcoholic family. I fought my brother off of me for years. I fought an abusive husband for over 16 years. I endured a mother who called me "Slut" instead of my name until I couldn't take it anymore.
But after years, when I got to the point of taking my own life, because I was so tired of hurting and feeling the pain I was feeling, I had a life changing event happen. I realized in those moments that no matter WHO you are,

It has been many years now and I am old. I haven't taken abuse or accepted it in my world for many years. Bullies haven't changed since I was a kid. The kids who called me names across the school yard or the intimidation from brothers and other people to make those who allow it do unspeakable things....none of that has has just evolved into different forms.
We now have instant bullying and instant pain shoveled out. Our kids and others who may not be kids, are trapped, in a pattern of abuse and bullying that sends them to the point of wanting to commit suicide...and many have done that. Young, precious lives taken because they felt no hope....They felt their lives didn't matter anymore…Grown folks, who were just too tired of dealing with other grown folks picking on them…

Our society has allowed bullying to not be a big deal and to let those that are the "BULLIES" get away with it for so long, those that are living through it, lose hope and feel they have no other way out. Changing that, like everything else, takes a village. It takes us recognizing bullying and helping those being bullied to overcome being a victim.

My generation said, get over it and move on....God only knows the victims of bullying from my era, who didn't make it. I was blessed to recognize the truth before, I didn't make it. I recognized that the folks who make our rules of what is acceptable and who is acceptable are inferior themselves and have no right to say who is good and who isn’t because of looks or circumstances.

For anyone who loves the Dancing Dolls and who is reading this article...KNOW THIS...

1.     The people picking on you, have many more problems than you do!

2.     There is no such thing as PERFECT! If they are being mean to you and "BULLYING"’s because, they KNOW they are not PERFECT! They are also "undercover scaredy cats"! IF YOU CONFRONT THEM And LET THEM KNOW...YOU AREN'T SCARED OF THEM...they will back down and leave you alone!
3.     GOD DON'T MAKE MISTAKES! You were born for a reason! Even if you don't see a reason, there is one. Don't LEAVE Before You Figure It Out!
4.     All of those so-called BULLIES are just trying to find the same approval you are...they just do it by being mean and treating others badly.
5.     What You Put Up With...You End Up With! If you don't stand up now, you will have to put up with BULLIES your entire life. Life is hard enough without being bullied. 
7.     YOU ARE NEVER ALONE...In today's world, all you have to do is connect to social media...there are millions that are ready to offer support, advice and comfort to those going through problems.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Doll Effect

We have closed the door on Season 2A of Bring It. We have watched 5 beautiful young women, go from being kids to being grown, moving into the next phase of their lives. We know from the latest statistics and ratings, Bring It, has been a huge success. Coming in 5th place for Social Engagement for TV Shows on Cable...for the shows airing the week of April 20th. Rentrak Stickiness Is One of The Top TV Ranking sites in the Entertainment World.
 Not to mention, blowing up Twitter several times, over the course of this Season. Any reasonable thinking person, would have to say....The Dolls Are ROCKIN IT, across America and in many parts of the World. This Blog has been read in Russia, Poland, UK, Jamaica and other places and has gotten over 10,000 I know they are being seen all over.

When Dianna and the Dolls first came on, we knew they were red hot, but I think folks wondered how far it would go. We were amazed at their dancing and their talent but after the first few shows, we all realized that it was more than just dancing. There was Mama Drama...Dianna showing us how Coaching works and the amazing transformation of everybody in the Dollhouse Dance Factory family.

The underlying attraction to the show was thousands and thousands of young girls, watching regular girls, like themselves, doing something great and succeeding at it. Something that has given them ambition and dedication, in their own lives. We are going to name it, the "Doll Effect". I have watched it in my own granddaughter. When she first saw Bring It, she was hooked. When I asked her about it, the first words from her mouth...was, "Yea, Ms Dianna don't play about dancing"!...LOL..

She has participated in the Dance Camps, been my riding buddy down to Mississippi, to see them in person and is signed up for the Dallas Camp in July. Her goal is to play basketball and go to college, but her love of dancing, has been the motivator for many other things in her life. She has seen, if you are willing to go for your dreams, you can do anything. I am sure this has been, the same reaction many young girls have had. The "Doll Effect" has taken a hold in the lives of many and is motivating many.

I don't know if Dianna KNEW, when she started this whole TV Show journey, she would have such a huge impact, on so many lives. She knows, what she does, works for the girls that physically come through the Dollhouse, but I am not sure she has grasped, just how big this whole thing really is. Her recent trip to South Africa was probably a huge clue, but being humble and never self gratifying, she wouldn't take credit for just how much influence, she really has.
And not just her influence, but the whole Mother-Daughter relationship playing out on TV, is a huge influence factor. How often do we see real life Mothers and Daughters dealing with real life issues. And these Moms aren't Hollywood and rich. These Moms are just as down to earth and everyday folks as you or I. We have fallen in love with who they are and how much they love their families. We watch them struggle with fame and with the many things being on TV has created in their lives. Both good and bad. So many of us can identify with their lives, before Bring It and how they must be feeling, learning to live, in this exciting new life.

I enjoy the excitement and fun that Bring It, brings each week. I enjoy the great conversations on the Social Media sites, about the show. It has been a blast to meet many of the cast and to get to know them over the last year and some months, through Social Media. It has all been a wild ride, but for me, the memories and the things that will last are the wonderful lessons and the beauty of watching girls blossom, into strong young women. Women who are ready for the world and what it will throw at them. Those are the things that keep me watching this show... The "Doll Effect"!

We know that Bring It isn't slowing down and would appear to be picking up even more steam. Season 2B is just around the corner. We are all anticipating more fun plus lots of new things happening. With new Co-Captains taking the floor and girls graduating from the Baby Dolls, we know the dancing is going to be bigger and better than ever. We also know, we will all be neck deep in the business of the Dolls. Watching and loving them...getting new favorites and defending and bragging on Social Media...anything DD4L.

It has been an amazing journey, for the Williams Family of Jackson Mississippi and for the entire Dollhouse Factory Family. I foresee a much more exciting ride to come.  I also see many more wonderful memories for the girls and for the thousands of fans, that love being there on Friday Nights. The "Doll Effect" has taken America by Wildfire...and continues to burn into the hearts and homes of us all. We can hardly wait for Season 2B, but will watch reruns and post pics on Social Media, to hold us over, until July. We pray for Dianna and the girls, as well as the DDP. Being on TV looks easy but when you see the things they deal with, you know it isn't. We hope they know, we will always support you and defend you. Thanks for what you do...The Doll Effect &  DD4L...Are YOU READY?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dancing Doll Graduation: Turning The Page

For over a year, we have been glued to our TV's on Bring It night. We have watched young girls, go from being kids to being amazing young women. No one thought we would fall in love with them, like we have. We have seen them cry, struggle, dance their butts off, fight through the pain and learn to accept loss. All the while, cheering them on like they were our own.

Each one has brought a special kind of joy to our own lives. They came into our homes and stole our hearts. We have protected them online, as if we had raised them ourselves. Professing our DD4L dedication and love daily. Whether Kayla, Sunjai, Akia, Dominique or Brandye...we have tuned in and turned up, to see them on Lifetime TV.
Now, we are watching, as our beautiful DD4L family moves on to the next phase of their lives. Graduating and turning the page on their future. Each one has made us laugh and cry, as we watched them grow up and become stronger and more beautiful each week. We have an idea, of where some are headed, such as, Kayla, Sunjai & Akia are planning to go to different colleges. But, all of the girls are using experiences and lessons learned from the Dancing Dolls, to build their dreams. They all have plans that have been in the making, for a long time.

As we prepare to Congratulate & say Bye to our girls, we can't help but include the parents of the graduating class. Especially our DDP Moms. At this extremely, appropriate time of the year, Mother's Day, falling so close to graduation, we have to acknowledge the dedication and love shown by these Amazing Women. Being a parent is a difficult job, no doubt. We all struggle with choices and decisions, concerning our children. We all want them to have the best of everything and to have the best opportunities in the World.

The DDP Moms are like all of the Moms, we all know. They work, they raise their families, they cry and they struggle. They are always doing everything within their power, to be sure, their child didn't fall between the cracks. No matter the amount of money or the numerous hours of no sleep, they get the job done...everyday!

It has been an amazing journey to watch this unfold on TV. After getting to know several of the DDP personally, over the last year, I have come to have tremendous respect and love for them. Of course, we see the "SHOW" each week. The stuff, the Producers think will make it more exciting, but the true experiences, are the true facts. Facts like: Mom's who aren't handed everything, on a Silver Platter. Another one, such as fund raising events, other children to take care of, long bus rides, dance fees and more.....all the while, making DD4L, the talk of the World & never missing a beat, turning these girls, into Fabulous Women.

One of the first articles I wrote, for the blog, was about the advantages of girls being involved in dancing, because of some criticism, put out by some naysayers, about the Dolls.  I said, it gives them the tools to be adults. It  makes them strong, capable, independent, young women, with the dedication and courage, to take on anything they may encounter, in life.

We are witnessing that happen on TV, in front of our eyes. While we are entertained, most who watch, recognize the beauty of seeing these young women, bloom. We all can look at these ladies and feel where they are, in their lives. Graduating high school and looking forward to dreams that will bring them the happiness, we all are searching for, at that age. Everything being a new and exciting experience. It's like deja vu, for many of us older fans and for those who are younger and not there yet, it is like an news flash of where they can go, in their quest to follow a dream.
While we are honoring our DDP. we have to put the Mom, we all know & love, at the top of the pile. We all know that leadership is the key to raising successful adults. Dianna has been a huge part of the equation. She has helped to make every step the girls have taken, a step to their future. The respect and love that is shared in the Dollhouse, is the glue that has helped these young women go for their dreams. She is truly a shining example of taking charge of your life and taking control of your future. Hats off to Ms. Dianna for being the person and woman she is.

We all love to watch her, as she teaches these beautiful young girls, how to be strong and successful women. I  know, over all of the years of teaching and nurturing these girls, Dianna feels like she is just as much their MOM as their own MOM'S do. She has hugged them when they needed hugs...scolded them, when she thought they needed that instruction and has picked them up when they fell. She has never let them down and has been there for them over and over. Though tough, she has always shown them the deep felt love that she has for all of the girls that come through the doors of the Dollhouse. The saying, "It takes a village to raise children", is truly, a reality in the Dollhouse family.

Bring It, has been an amazing show. It has been exciting and entertaining for us all. But we have all grown to feel like they are a part of our own lives. We cheer them on, we are sad when they lose, and we hope for the best, for them. Though many will never actually meet any of the Dolls, in person, they still feel connected and care about what happens to them.
We all feel connected to them either through our own love of dancing or through watching our own children and grandchildren, strive to be like Kayla or Sunjai. A goal that has been renewed weekly on Bring It. They have had a monumental impact on thousands of young girls across the country and even in other countries.

As we Turn The Page with our Dolls and watch these wonderful, beautiful young women, move to the next phase of their lives, we all pray for them and wish them love, happiness and success. We also pray for their Moms and families. A Special Mother's Day wish to all of the DDP this year. Kids growing up and leaving is tough, but we know you will be fine.

You are Turning The Page, as well. Watching your babies move foward, making big decisions and holding your hand less and less. This means YOU did an AMAZING JOB...ALL OF YOU! You worked hard and you lost sleep and you cried through the pain to put these WOMEN out in the World. 



We have loved watching you and we wish you all the best! #DD4L #DDP #BDD #DDSNATION !...



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