Friday, January 30, 2015

Second Episode Of Bring It? Has Dianna Gone Soft?

We are waking up this Friday morning, getting ready for the second episode of Bring It. After watching the 1st episode, we are all wondering, what is happening at the Dollhouse? Last week's show portrayed Ms. D in a much different light, than it has ever before. From the beginning of the show, Ms. D has been loud and proud of her boisterous attitude. Her demeanor has been one of control, directing all of those around her and never, ever taking any crap from anyone.

In last week's show, we saw a complete reversal of that behavior. As the Miami SupaStarz pulled their bus in to the Dollhouse Dance Factory parking lot, viewers and fans, assumed Dianna was getting ready to come unglued. We just knew that she was coming through the doors of the Dollhouse like a bullet and was fixing to unleash her fury on Tracy ( Miami's Coach).

I think everyone was totally blown away by the real response we saw. As Dianna came out of the Dollhouse, her whole appearance changed. Her normal yelling and talking trash attitude turned into a mellowed, composed and almost silent, lamb. I think it probably floored everyone watching. To see a Dianna that is not on point and that is not telling it like it is, to of all those around her, seemed extremely odd.

Now, here we are waiting for the second episode tonight. What is that going to bring? Has Ms. D made a life change to a more calm and composed coach? Has she gone soft on us? Who knows? The competition tonight is going to be tough...The Divas of Olive Branch are a great team and always offer their best, when they show up for competitions.

What will Dianna do this week to show the Dancing Dolls are better than the Divas of Olive Branch? Well we know she has new female talent in the mix. Zatia is the newest Dancing Doll. Her mom Tawantza has settled in with ease, in the mix of the Dancing Doll Parents. She didn't hesitate to stand toe to toe with Dianna, though it got her tossed from the Dollhouse practice. She is pushing for her daughter's place on the team and on the show. Zatia hasn't shown us what she can do yet, but we know she wouldn't be there, if she wasn't very good.

What else does Dianna plan for this competition with the Divas? It looks like she is bringing in a Secret Weapon? What is that? Well, it would appear she has brought in male choreographers to help boost the Dolls skills. Her statement of putting the baddest heffers on the floor was serious business. Now we will see if the Secret Weapon pays off in the competition. No doubt it is a great idea to get new talent and new dance moves in for future battles.

This season is proving to be different and exciting. As we know with TV Reality shows, if they don't keep it fresh and interesting, the rating fall fast. We are anticipating Bring It to continue to climb in the ratings. The staff and production crew, obviously are paying attention and are coordinating with Dianna to make it the best they can be, each and every week.

We will be watching on this 2nd episode of Season 2 to see if our trash talking, hard working Coach D has changed her demeanor for the future or if we were just seeing a smarter strategy for handling the competition. It is strange to watch, but we can be sure, Dianna knows whats up and she is using every available tool at her disposal to make sure the Dolls are well represented and that they come out winners.

Stay Tuned for the Competition with the Divas of Olive Branch...Tonight on Lifetime TV..Are You Ready To Bring It?

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