Thursday, October 2, 2014

Discussing The Relevance Of The Dancing Dolls, From The Fan's View

Part of the purpose of this DDS Fan Blog is to hopefully address some of the negativity going around about the Dancing Dolls and the TV Show "Bring It".If you are already a Fan, you have seen so much of it, you know,WHAT the purpose of the show is. Teaching not only dance, but discipline, character, perseverance and confidence to young girls & women. Coach D is also teaching values and belief in a higher power...RESPECT for themselves & the courage to go for their dreams.

Today's Fan Post is going to focus on this word: RELEVANT {rel·e·vant }
First, the definition of the word "RELEVANT": It's an adjective: It means:"Having a bearing on or connection with the matters at hand"

As the popularity of Bring It grows across the country, we are seeing the normal emergence of haters and naysayers, being played out on the Social Media sites. Hateful comments, degrading statements, videos that criticize and attempt to inflict hurt, seem to be happening more and more. They appear to be coming out of the woodwork, from Youtube to Twitter.

This is one of the latest comments,from an angry "Non-Fan" of the show. It stated that the TV Show was the catalyst that made Dianna & Robert & the Dollhouse Dance Factory "RELEVANT". At first, we laughed at this but feel we should just address the facts of the statement.

So many people just pull words from anywhere, without realizing they are not using them correctly. This "Non-Fan" was attempting to be very salty and judgmental, but only made himself appear to be mad, because he wasn't a part of the whole thing. We hope to bring this message to light, so this person can be made aware of his disrespect and misguided attitude. We also would like to address others, who may feel the same. Maybe by addressing it now, we can eliminate the hateful and unnecessary comments being made.

So for the "SHOW" to be the one and only thing, that makes Robert & Dianna RELEVANT, {or anyone else on the show} it would seem, the people at Lifetime TV, just pulled them all out of nowhere and INVENTED them, JUST for this show. The FACTS are totally contrary to that. REAL Fans know that Ms. Dianna has been involved in the lives of girls and with dance for years. Long before Lifetime TV decided to call. The Fans know the story, behind the excitement. The Fans support her because, they know the story.

Relevance means having a bearing or connection with the matter at hand...The Matter At The Hands Of The Dollhouse Dance Factory Family, now and always, has been "SUCCESS" for the next generation...FROM DAY 1. The Relevance of Dianna & Robert and Everybody involved with the show, was already way above the norm, BEFORE,it was a show. They were relevant in changing the minds and attitudes of hundreds of young women BEFORE the show. They were kicking butt and taking names at competitions, BEFORE the show ever came looking for them.

As we told you, in the first article, Dianna wasn't handed anything on a silver platter. She has struggled & worked & dedicated her life to building this dance school. No handouts, no free rides. Just busting her butt to build something, in this life that was good and produced strong, confident women. Dianna's dream didn't start out with her thinking, "Oh my God, I am going to be on Lifetime TV, on a hit show called, "Bring It"!

The TV Show has been a stepping stone for more opportunities, More chances to touch lives and teach. Fans know the people on the show are just Hometown, Jackson MS folks. They have never professed to be anything else. The Dollhouse Family knows how blessed they are and use those blessings to grow & to help more and more people. That is Relevance. That is doing the right thing no matter what! Those are the "Matters At Hand".

 It is totally easy to sit at your computer or TV and watch others doing things and get upset & even easier to hate them, because they are going for their dreams. When people don't go for the dreams they want, they often sit around hating others and the success they see them achieve.They rather degrade and try & destroy other people, instead of put in the work to get their own dream.

The Dancing Doll Supporters are a fierce family,every bit as much as the Dancing Dolls are. No one cares if you don't like them but it should be expected that we will defend them, when "Non Fans" choose to attack without provocation. The relevance of what they do is shining brightly, in our girls(children of the DDS), who have changed their direction in life, because of Coach D and the girls. They are setting goals and getting involved because of  Bring It.

We would implore our "Non Fans" to, at the very least, not be haters.That only makes you look bad. It would be great if the OPINIONS offered were not just ugly comments. You don't have to like the Dancing Dolls, but be intelligent enough, to at least offer valid criticism about their performance, their costumes, their location or their, anything else, RELEVANT!  

Love Them or Hate Them! Totally a CHOICE. But have the courage to say that, instead of just talking junk. That doesn't appear to make anyone sound more intelligent or be more of a human being. It makes it sound like the jealously is just eating them alive and for them, retaliation, is the answer.
The word for that would be: Childish: which means: marked by or suggestive of immaturity and lack of poise{such as using a childish spiteful remark}

We encourage anyone watching the show to take what you see as a positive example of, GOING FOR YOUR DREAM. Hard work and doing the right thing are the foundation for success. That should be the message that people take away from this show. #DD4L

1 comment:

  1. Question do you know how the show came about in the first place like how did Dianna and the girls come to be on Lifetime. This is a question I have had for some time now but have yet to find the answer. Since you are a huge supporter and seem to know so much about them I thought you might know.


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