Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Reality Of Reality TV: Making That Dollar, Whether It Makes Sense Or Not!

Well if you were tuning in to Bring It last Friday, you may have seen the promo commercial for the new Reality Show on Lifetime, coming in September. The show is called "Step Up". The show is going to feature Traci from the YCDT in Miami.

I didn't see the commercial during the show,.probably getting a snack or I saw it earlier this week. I started to jump on here, (like I had said I would, when I posted that on the Fan pages) and whip out an article. But that really isn't my much rather give it some thought and not be a trash talking, keyboard

But after some serious thought and deliberation...I think the right response is a little insight into Reality TV and then my humble opinion.
The earliest, original Reality based TV show was Candid Camera. Debuting in 1948, Allen Funt's hidden camera Candid Camera show (based on his previous 1947 radio show, Candid Microphone) broadcast unsuspecting ordinary people reacting to pranks. In 1948, talent search shows Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour. I know already, there are lots of you saying...What the heck are you talking about? For you youngsters, just sit back and take it in...Let Me continue....LOL..

Over the years, Reality TV has taken on many forms..We have seen Survivor, Dancing With The Stars, Housewives of places all over, The Kardashians and on and on and on and on. In our own realm of Reality Show choices, we have decided to watch, Bring It has become a Friday night staple. We all schedule our time or our Tivo/DVR to be there to see Dianna and the Dolls take on the next competitor.

This last Friday, we got the opportunity to see just how fickle Reality TV Networks can be. For whatever their reasoning, they decided to offer, yet another Dance Show on their schedule. We have to say Congratulations to Traci and the YCDT school. They are, no doubt amazing girls, that she has the privilege to teach. I have always thought they came out and gave it 100% for Traci. So, as I always do, I totally support young women getting a chance to go higher and do more with their lives. Having said that....

I watched the commercial clip on the upcoming show. When I did, I attempted to clear my mind of the potential stereotype in my head. Wondering what Traci was like as a Coach, up close and for more than two minutes and trying not to compare her to being fair dictates......HOWEVER, when I watched the thing, I was instantly concerned and upset....not because it was so good that I was worried it would present problems for Dianna, but because I was apalled at someone Coaching young girls.....looking like Grace Jones...carrying a damn baseball bat...I mean seriously?

So I watched a couple of times to be sure I wasn't exaggerating the scenario. BIG ASS SIGH HERE.....Okay...I want to call Lifetime TV and ask them...WTF?...First, IF that is the ONLY DANCE SCHOOL in Miami, then never mind........Traci. the Coach feels the need to walk around with a BASEBALL BAT in her hand to control the girls...then she lost damn control a longggggg ass time ago.......SECOND, IF MY child went to those classes, unbeknownst to me, she carries a bat...AND I find that out.....IT"S OVER...I am filing charges for her behavior against MY child...PERIOD...after I put my face against her and let her know what a HUGE mistake that is.

So, I am thankful that I am a fan and supporter of Bring It...because while the haters sit around and talk trash about Dianna did this or that.....somebody needs to stand up and ask Lifetime what the hell they were thinking? What a BAD...BAD example this show has set and it hasn't even come on yet...

Threatening CHILDREN WITH A BASEBALL BAT and CLOWNING around with she may actually hit somebody...LOL...Heffer, I wish you would.....LOL...OMG! And I heard her say something about her influence with young people...I busted out laughing....Wow..Really?

Then I saw some of the parents...I am not sure if everybody there got bad makeup advice but this lady had blue lipstick on...I really fell out of my dang chair on that...WHET?

So what we know about Step Up is, the first show if full of intimidating and threatening teaching practices, as well as examples of other adults who look like the Secretary on the Drew Carey Show.
So as I sit and consider the value of this new and upcoming show, I would venture to say, it rates on the same level with greats such as Keeping Up With The Kardashians or the Housewives Series...not much content but lots of brain dead activity for folks with nothing else to do with their night. Not something that I would plan to sit down and watch...mostly because I can find much more to be angry about, if I so choose, rather than purposely watching something, so obviously antagonizing.

From the FIRST time I watched Bring It, I was hooked...not because of confrontation or disagreement, but because I immediately saw the connection Dianna has with the kids...NOT one of FEAR or Submissiveness, but one of RESPECT and ADMIRATION for someone they loved. That is why I have continue to support Dianna and the Dolls.

We don't know how long any TV show will last. We don't know what will happen with any of this stuff. What we do know is Dianna's dream is bigger than a TV SHOW. Her influence and reach have grown to include people that envision the same thing she does...Making a REAL DIFFERENCE in the lives of young people.

This will be interesting to watch. I never wish bad on anyone or anything, cuzz that will come back to kick you in the behind. I always wish folks the best...What they do with that is up to them. I see people like our little disgruntled wanna be Vlogger, JustinJ talking all kinds of crazy about Dianna and Robert and Blah, Blah., Blah......I know he has made several videos talking about what bad people they were and how Traci was getting her own show..He has made comments like Dianna really mistreated her girls. He has latched on to Traci like she was his best friend and preaches her praises every time he records his trash videos.

I am curious to know his value system. If the type of behavior Traci showed on the commercial is a regular teaching style, then what is considered OKAY? Considering he doesn't have kids or anything, how is he qualified to judge? But anyhow.....I digress...

Final word: I am truly concerned as a parent about this new show. Dance Moms tends to get to the degrading stage but hasn't crossed the line yet, to MY limited knowledge. But this new show, to me, does that. It is scary and I hope Lifetime recognizes it soon. But if there is at least $2 dollars to be made on ANYTHING, they won't.

I am so proud to be a Supporter of something that is PROVING to be a POSITIVE INFLUENCE to the young people I know personally. They were the reason I got involved. I won't be watching Step Up. Not because I am so connected to the Dolls but because I refuse to accept, ANY PARENT on this EARTH would be willing to ALLOW ANY TEACHER to intimidate THEIR CHILD...on National TV! That is absolutely apalling.

Of, 2 Seasons of Bring It, there is not ONE Episode where Dianna belittles, threatens, intimidates or harasses, ANY of those girls. If she has to get mad, she comes back with positive re-enforcement. That isn't the teaching method I watched on the commercial, from Traci. All the brightly colored hair and bright face paint tells me she is totally insecure with who she is. That is the reason for the intimidation..The first sign of an insecure, low self esteem person. They go flamboyant to cover the real person. I don't want MY grandkids or their friends thinking that her methods are okay. If she has built her whole dance school with that mentality, that is truly a sad thing.

I totally think this was created on a whim and won't go far. I may be wrong and time will tell but that would be my prediction. I will continue to do what I do. I am not easily swayed by all that flash anyway. I have a theory that hard work, good examples, smart thinking and dedication, on top of always being in God's Will is the true key to Success.

That is what Dianna and the Dolls are doing, in my view. As we see her go from a Small Town Girl to a Sophisticated, Elegant Woman, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Steve Harvey and other well known folks. She is opening, not one but 2 Dance Schools in 2 Major Cities. She is the Spokesperson for a Major Cosmetic Brand, Creme of Nature. I saw some in Walmart the other day. I thought, freaking cool. She got ALL of that, not by being a Freak of Nature, but by being WHO SHE IS... Not all clowned up and all those around her all clown show. Elegance, Dignity, Pride in her talent. That is the way to create lasting, SUCCESS and lasting INFLUENCE on the students they teach. Not fly by night antics. I think that will be something many folks tire of quickly. Again, with the exception of the haters...LOL but then they tune in to JustinJ...LOL...WOW... 

Do I think this show will have any effect on Dianna and the Dolls? Nah.....One reason is what I just said, the other is the fans. Doll fans are true blue and follow because of her example and love for the kids. And I don't think she is worried at all. Whatever she does, she will land on her feet...and she has built a firm foundation to go way beyond a Reality TV Show.

We are always free to do whatever we choose and that is just my choice. Everybody should make their decision when they see the show. God Bless The Girls in Miami and I pray for their Coach.


Thursday, August 20, 2015



Sunday, August 16, 2015

Celebrating The 14th Anniversary Of The Dancing Dolls! Fame & Recognition-Was It Magic Or Years Of Effort?

In just a few days, the Dancing Dolls will be celebrating their 14th Anniversary...Founded August 20, 2001, Dianna Williams took a passion for Dance and turned it into a following. Not only are the Dancing Dolls celebrating their Anniversary, the Dollhouse will also be celebrating a few days later. The Dollhouse Dance Factory was founded on August 23, 2010. But while people that see the TV show ,think it all came right away or think Dianna just appeared one day, the reality is much different.

Let's take a look back at the journey. From the Age of 4 Dianna has been dancing and it has been a destiny that she has held onto. Her work and her dedication, to do whatever it took, shows in her resume of life. Take a look at where Dianna Williams started and how her love of dance, has brought her to this time and this place in her life.

  1. Classes with schools such as Angie Luke School of Dance. Her training includes Ballet, Beginner & Advanced Jazz, Modern Dance, Belly Dance & Beginner & Advanced Tap.
  2. Eye Of The Tiger Drill Team-1982-1988
  3. Dancing Dolls Drill Team-1989-1991
  4. California State Dominguez Hill University Cheerleading Squad-1997-1998
  5. Founder-Instructor-Sponsor-Choreographer- Dancing Dolls at the Pied Piper Playhouse, Jackson-2001
  6. Founder-Choreographer Grove Park Dancerettes-2002-2004
  7. Recreation Aide City Of Jackson-2002 ( Built Dance Program) 
  8. Graduated Jackson State University-2005(Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice)
  9. Choreographer Callaway High School Chargettes-2006-2008
  10. Founder-Choreographer Prancing Diamonds-2007
  11. Vice-President & Choreographer of the Jackson Association For Majorettes-2007
  12. Member of the JSU Modeling Squad, Sponsor/Costume designer for the Jackson State University Twirlers 2004-2009
  13. Along with her husband Robert started the Dollhouse Dance Factory Aug. 23, 2010
  14. Jackson State University Banner Girls from 2007-2012
  15. Co-Founder and coordinator for Kicks 4 Tatas
  16. TV Show On Lifetime TV: 2013
  17. Honored By The City of Jackson-2015
  18. Honored By The City of Boston-2015
  19. Spokesperson For Creme Of Nature Beauty Products: 2015
  20. President Of Dianna Williams Incorporated 2015(An Umbrella Of Entertainment & Instructional Ventures)
  21. Numerous other Awards & Accolades
  22. One of the most winning, competitive Dance Teams in the South.

When you see where she has come from and what she has accomplished, it is easy to see why she is where she is today. She took a dream and took the path, to fulfill that dream. Now, at this moment in time..the dream has become a reality. The hard work, the tears, the sacrifice and the hard times are paying off.

The Dancing Dolls are celebrating 14 years of being dedicated to teaching young people, not only how to dance but how to be leaders and productive adults. She still teaches the value of a good education, manners, positive self worth and being dedicated to your dreams and goals. Her teaching style is tough and demanding, but by utilizing both honest and straight forward evaluations with positive advice & instruction, she maintains respect from all of her students. They love her fun and loving personality and trust her demanding instruction. The combination has molded young women who have advanced to the productive and wonderful adult women, they were meant to be.

That was the dream..not being a huge reality TV star. The impact started long before the Dancing Dolls were a part of a show. The Dollhouse started with 23 has grown to over 200. So celebrating 14 years of Dolls, we are celebrating the beauty of being an active, involved part of the community. Whether or not Dianna Williams landed a TV reality show, she would still be changing lives and making a difference, just like she was before Bring It. Just like she started out doing, so many years ago.

The indomitable & tenacious spirit of Dianna Williams, not only had taken her life to incredible heights before getting on TV, she has used this opportunity  to create a potential empire of Dance & Entertainment connections, that will carry her dream to places, she could have never imagined. Her humble dream of influencing and instructing young girls in dance and simple life lessons, has swept the country, affecting girls, boys and parents. The Majorette Dance style has come into a new and refreshing light. Dance teams all over, have seen a huge increase in student participation. The challenge of being good enough to beat the Dancing Dolls, has given these teams the determination, to push for the hope, they too,will get to Battle and prove their talent. It has given kids all over a peek into what they can achieve, if they work hard and work smart.

Dianna & Robert, could have never anticipated that God would take them this far and give them so many platforms, to influence and affect kids. For so many that watch, we recognized from the beginning, she had something, no other reality show, truly love and dedication to children. Unwavering and unending love and dedication to give all she has to be sure they have a fighting chance in life.
We celebrate the 14th Anniversary, of the Founding of the Dancing Dolls and the 5th Anniversary of the Founding of the Dollhouse Dance Factory, & we salute Dianna and Robert Williams for their hard work and dedication. We also salute them for having the courage to step out on faith to fulfill the destiny God had planned for their lives. A plan that now includes new locations in Birmingham and Atlanta open soon, we see that plan continuing to expand and grow. Also, sponsorships for great companies and products, which open many other doors, are pouring in. All a part of the bigger plan for this endearing group of hardworking folks.

As we sit in front of our TV's each week and enjoy watching what Lifetime has put together to entertain us, let's not forget that out of those 28 or so minutes we are listening and thinking we know all there is to know about the Dancing Dolls and Dianna, we don't really know very much. We don't see that filming takes 20 hours for one show...we don't see the numerous competitions it takes to get to a Battle Royale or a Dance Off Competition. We don't see the hundreds of hours of practice...every single student shows up for or the lives of the parents, when the TV is not on.

This show is just a tiny, little part of the lives that make up what we see. Every person is just like you and I. They go to work, they take care of their families and they live each day with lots of things going on.

So reaching this milestone is not just a moment in is a lifetime of working for this moment. A lifetime of using every chance that was offered to build to the next opportunity. A lifetime of living what you are preaching.

It is super easy to sit at home and judge and be a takes a lot more thought to see the bigger picture of where they have come from and the journey they have yet to encounter. And sitting around being critical of Dianna's teaching style or dance decisions is just silly. Check her resume again. She is qualified...again and again.

The following is growing and the real fans do see the bigger and more important goals. We want to send a really big, love filled shout out to Dianna Williams, Robert Williams and all those who have worked and struggled and reached for the stars to get to this huge celebration. And we want to assure them that the folks that are negative and critical are only a tiny part of the picture. Though they seem loud at times, they don't represent very many.


Saturday, August 8, 2015

BOOM! Just Like That! Friend Or Enemy?

Well...Well...If you were not watching Bring It last night...dang you missed the show...LOL..Lord have mercy, I don't when I have been more wide eyed and been more glued to the TV, than last night.

It was the "Storm In Jackson" last night. We have been hearing the rumors, talking among ourselves and speculating on What happened with Zatia and Tawantza. NOW we more speculating. Dianna has tolerated and put up with Tawantza and her negativity 4 EVER. Last night was the end of that mess. Tawantza made her final mistake by thinking she could go off about Dianna in the room with the other DDP. Heffer PLEASE! Mimi, Tina, Rittany, not to mention Selena. ALL long time DDP who support Dianna! LOL WOW! Talk about mistakes! That was the QUEEN of mistakes.

And in true form, Dianna snapped right off on her. LOL..I love this woman....she never hesitates to just SAY it! LOL! She made it very CLEAR, you are either WITH the DOLLS or YOU are an ENEMY! My thoughts exactly! When Tawantza came on the show, I thought, Dang this girl talks lots of shit to be a DDP! Sure Nuff, THAT was her downfall. Dianna TOLD her...YOUR MOUTH is the problem, NOT Zatia! So Tawantza is the REAL REASON, Zatia isn't at the Dollhouse anymore!

If you don't know WHEN to shut up, you are going to ALWAYS put your damn foot in your mouth! LOL! Fact! Sadly, her kid is the one who loses...NOBODY is going to put up with the negativity and hate, Tawantza brings along, with Zatia. And Dianna damn sure ain't gonna put up with it...She flat told her, she couldn't do it and too sorry...but Bye Girl! LOL...WOW...I thought for a minute, Dianna may come off the chair and get closer to Tawantza's.....with her hands....around her silly ole neck......KMSL...

But the cat is out of the bag now and hopefully, we can move forward to bigger and better the new bad ass dance teams that are coming to Battle the Dolls! And Kayla, Ms D's new Assistant AND the new choreography that is giving the Dolls so much more of an advantage. How about how Camryn KILLED it last night, as Captain.

No hesitation or backing up...She hit the floor full steam and never let up...She led the Dolls to a victory over the Purple Diamonds, easily. And though many were doubting Cammie's ability to pull it off, Mama Mimi, never wavered...she was confident her baby was fixing to blow it up! AND SHE DID!....You knew Mama!

What about that girl Kayla? Or I should I say...Asst Kayla? Kayla has wowed us over and over throughout the last couple of Seasons. Her determination and dedication to be the Best At Being Captain, has kept us cheering her on. Last night this girl, came out like the Queen, we have named her. She was strong and tough and she wasn't going easy on anybody.

She stepped right into the Asst Coaching position, without missing a beat. She knew Camryn could be tough and she didn't hesitate to let Cammie know what she was expecting from her. After last night, I think it is safe to say, Dianna made an excellent decision, making Kayla her Assistant! I think it expands the horizons for the both the show and the Dollhouse's future.

Of course we have gotten comments on the DDS Nation pages about the negative aspects...Folks minding others people's"What about College? I thought she got a scholarship?" or "Dang, she just gonna ride on Ms. D's dime, instead of creating her own life?" LOL...Well for you folks, I would say...MIND YOUR BUSINESS! Tina and Terrell have GOT THIS!...LOL..And I am betting Kayla does too! So all you people still looking for the negative...BYE!

We can't talk about last night and not talk about those beautiful girls Sunjai, Star &  Skye. Sunjai always Brings It when she hits the floor and the Twins joined the Stand Battle last night, turning it up, like we haven't seen them do before. They are growing up and getting more beautiful each time we see them...To see them hit the floor and nail it, was very cool! We know our girl Selena is as proud as can be....she never fails in her support of all of her kids...Sometimes, we look at her twice, but she is a great mom and loves those babies..and she is beautiful herself...Love seeing these ladies work as a family!

What's else happened last night? Oh yes, NEW DOLLS...Ms. Jaelen...Former Doll...went to the Purple she is back with the Dancing Dolls. More to come on Jaelen later...but one thing is for sure..her Mom Nashamba is not shy about supporting her baby...we saw total support and pride beaming through her last night. She knows her daughter can dance and she is going to be right there telling folks....LOL..We Welcome Jaelen and Nashamba BACK to the Dolls. We look forward to hearing about them and watching Jaelen dance. She is beautiful and rocked the floor last night.

Okay, Dance Talent....Well them Purple Diamonds, Jackson's other Dance School, are still burning up the floor. They are talented and always bring great dance choreography to every competition. Their Coach is tough and works them hard. Though her and Dianna spark at times, I think they are  Hometown Acquaintances and have tremendous respect for each other. But the Purple Diamonds are always a force to be reckoned with. They are precise and prepared at every event. They brought it last night but the Dolls brought it better.

The other teams that participated last night are the Altanta Glitter ( Atlanta Georgia of course and Fierce Elite ( from Little Rock Arkansas. Links are for their Facebook pages if you want more information. These teams were tough and its fantastic to see new faces on the floor. Though we are always excited to see what the Divas or Purple Diamonds are up to...seeing the talent from other places gives us something unfamiliar and exciting to look forward to each week....AND it is very cool for other Dance Teams to get that exposure. We can't wait to see what and who Dianna has in store for us next week.

So winding down topics on this recap we have to mention Tamia...We know you saw her last night. Hmmph...FB was blowing up with people saying...Oooohhhh...I saw Tamia...What's Up? LOL..Well due to the magic of TV, you may see her some STOP speculating...Its a cycle of working through episodes...she will be phased out with the Season progressing. LOL...She hasn't much as that hurts some of you folks. LIG!

The 2nd episode of Season 2B is in the can and all you can say is WOW! WOW because it was a roller coaster of things happening...Tawantza after weeks and weeks of mess from her on the Social Media.....New Job for our Sweetheart Kayla...that she ROCKED......Camryn taking that Captain Position and Claiming LIKE A BOSS....New Blood in the Dollhouse that has Mad Skills....WOW! What a second Episode!...I need a nap just talking about it...LOL..

Social Media also blew up with the Haters...Tawantza..JustinJ....this negative person..that negative person...maddening and funny....We knew Tawantza would get going and it never fails that our sad friend was going to open up and add to the fray!

Last and ALWAYS LEAST...Our Little Insecure Boy, JustinJ got his tiny little TWO CENTS in last night....His misery is getting so old...I don't even have the energy to talk about it anymore...He IS CLUELESS...JOBLESS...LOVELESS.....MORALESS....CARELESS...AND USELESS!....SO the LESS We discuss him...the LESS he gets under our skin....HOW DO YOU LISTEN TO STUPID? YOU DON'T! He is hedging his bets on a TV show....WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT DUMMY?...LOL..NOT Worth My Effort To Discuss Much!..Bye JustinJ..Go Play In Your Blankie....LOL...
We hope your enjoyed the Second Episode of Season 2B....We loved it.....A surprise a second! LOL....Needless to say it was a fantastic show and ONCE AGAIN...Ya'll BLEW UP Social Media....Bring It Trended Way Up there last night for the 2ND TIME!


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Season 2B: Here Come The Haters....Sad Wannabes And Mama Drama!

I started working on this article yesterday but decided to wait and work on it today because I didn't want to call names or be mad when I wrote it. As everybody knows, the first show of Season 2B aired Friday. We were all sitting on the edge of our seats to see what was going to happen. With the end of last season, we knew that Tamia was gone, Zatia was gone and a few others were gone as well. Social media has been blowing up the last few months, with speculation and rumors of WHAT MAY have happened. Nobody really knew the truth, but everybody was talking junk and making judgment calls based on whatever they heard.

Tawantza blew up Instagram with nastiness and supposed "FACTS ", why everything had happened. She even went so far as to openly call out members of the DDP. Her so called facts seemed to be based on little actual truth and more "HURT" feelings. For days, we watched childish, immature behavior over her attempt at gaining support for her cause. The problem is, she was always a negative Nelly...always doubting and always criticizing Dianna or the ways things were done. I thought she was trouble from the beginning...but not my place to say it.

We lost Dancing Doll Supporters too. Folks that took the side of the people who left and couldn't bring themselves to support the Dolls anymore. It has been a dark and telling time for the Dolls. Dark because of the loss of potential talent and the loss of the opportunity to influence those girls and telling because, it has shown the true character of the those involved. Tawantza gave us pause when she went to the level of  encouraging a fist fight, over this whole deal. All of the back and forth of talking trash and threatening? What should we think now? Should we have more respect for her? LOL...

But we somehow managed to get through to the first episode, which was very exciting. With new talent from the Explosive Dance Company from Texas, it was definitely an unpredictable outcome. They were talented and danced hard. The entire show was full of Doll excitement and fun. Lifetime probably should have done more editing on some of the language, but this is TV and we know it is directed. Otherwise, WHY would Dianna NEED them to do the show. If there was no direction, there would be no need to pay those folks..ITS CALLED TV! But I think they realized it, as soon as it we just gonna pass on by that one and count on Lifetime to be more aware.

With all of the drama in the background, it seems that anybody and everybody that HATES Dianna and the Dolls has been given a free ticket to talk trash. Case in point, our little friend Justin J. From 7 pm on Friday night until about 9:30 pm, Justin made approx. 30 posts on Facebook. Vlogs that were either making fun, talking trash or criticizing Dianna/Dolls. Mixed with re-posts of video clips of  Bring it, (which may be illegal, since he aims to make money by doing that).

During this 2 or so hours of ranting and raving, we see him move from somewhere, in wherever he is currently living, looking like he was laying down, to what appears to be another spot in his place, to yet again, lay down. All the while talking about Dianna and Tina and Mimi and then trying to add some positive about Crystianna in the mix...LOL..

If you have not encountered JustinJ, then lets take a brief tour of "WHO" he is. He is a 35 or so, gay, black man who lives in Memphis Tennessee. He appears to not have much education and appears to not have much training in Public Speaking. He would also seem to be unable to hold a train of thought for more than a few minutes at a time. He also doesn't hold a job and seems to think that he will become some sort of Video Star Vlogger. He does a lot of videos either from his vehicle or laying down, wherever he is residing at the time.

As far as his popularity, I searched for him everywhere for all of the potential words he should come up for and he isn't even on the radar. But if you listen to him and his really bad way of talking, you will understand WHY he isn't on the radar. MOST of what he talks about is hating on people, talking about the way they look and they way they act and what they SHOULD be doing.

I can only laugh when I hear him. Just looking at his animated antics, makes me think of a sad little person who wakes up daily to promote hate and anger and meanness. A person who lives their lives in shambles but takes the time out of that misery to talk bad about sad and so funny.

Funny because he doesn't see it. He has a sad little following of other folks who enjoy the misery of others or just like a good sideshow. For the approx 30 posts he made in that short little time..he couldn't even hardly muster a thousand likes. How sad is that? What is even funnier is his lack of staying on subject. Once he starts talking, he may ramble from Tina and the way he thinks she looks to something that was posted on the Internet to offering complimentary statements about one of the girls.

No Journalist training or experience, just RAMBLING. He has shown us the Storyboard that ALL reality shows use...he has ASSumed Traci from YCDT is getting her own show...he is SURE that EVERYTHING Dianna, Tina and Mimi do is Wrong, Bad or Stupid.

 His claims of being an Entertainment Critic are inflated ideas of grandeur.He tries to offer his opinions on anything that he thinks he can gain support on....but not valid opinions...opinions based on any spec of disagreeable news he can find. Proven or Not!  I totally believe that most folks check him out because its like watching a cartoon. The animation is comical.

What is also comical is his choices of places to Vlog. What's up with LAYING DOWN and being all covered up to talk about anything live? I mean are you playing with yourself or what are you doing? Talk about UNPROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR! WOW! It would also seem that is somewhat PERVERSE......WOW!

And finally while we are talking about his behavior...I just have a few questions...No matter how hard I try, I cannot figure out WHERE  he gained any experience, in the areas he criticizes, that would make him capable, of offering advice or suggestions on anything? Such as:


From everything I can find, Justin has NEVER  had children, raised a child or been involved on a daily basis with children...he has NEVER had a Dance Studio....he has NEVER had his own business or IF he ever did, HE FAILED....he has NEVER been on TV....he has NEVER been involved with or directed ANY type of Dance ANYTHING....And DAMN SURE ain't NEVER been married..AND from what can be seen..NO relationship...just a male version of a Thot.....LOL...

SO the obvious question would be...Where does he get the KNOWLEDGE to OPEN HIS MOUTH...If YOU have NEVER done anything but be messed up in life and clueless...WHERE do you think you get experience enough to JUDGE or OFFER ADVICE? YOU DON"T! You just are so insecure in are determined to be heard, at the risk of looking stupid.

That is the mentality of this hate. No Matter HOW DUMB or IGNORANT or PATHETICALLY UNEDUCATED he looks...HIS CHOICE is to continue.....Pretty much like running your own car into someone because you mad about them cutting in front of you. You are willing to WRECK everybody's life to satisfy your own ignorance....TOO COMICAL.....WOW JUSTINJ! AND YOU ARE WRONG...EVERYTHING you say is wrong...NO FACTS!

Just wondering if the J stays for Jackoff..since you seem to be under the covers so much.....KMSL...

But the good news DDS NATION is NO MATTER the silly videos made by unknowns like this...the Dolls will move on...and when its time for them to move from TV to bigger and better...they will do it with the same dedication and grace that has built the Dollhouse to this point. Folks like Justin will fade by the wayside and will still be struggling to keep a place to live and toilet paper to wipe their behinds while everybody else has lived good lives and prospered.

The next episode is coming and as we know, it will yet again bring out the haters and ones who got put this is not the end of our little boy and his spewing of hate and anger...Get ready DDS Nation....Lets show him OUR dedicated spirit...Stand with the Dolls...Blow up Social Media and tune in to every episode...Like all of their posts and pictures...Right wins in life...though wrong always gives us a run for our money....

Dianna, Robert, Tina, Terrell, Mimi, Calvin, Selena and JJ didn't make it this far because they are soft or weak or I am not worried....and I am sure they know the old saying..."What don't kill you makes you stronger"! LOL....Its gonna be okay! And the folks who got put off will either go on and make their lives productive or sit on Social Media crying about WHY They TOO are LOSERS.....

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Well DDS Nation, we are just days away from the New Season of Bring It. seems like it has been years since the last Season. But we have had lots of entertainment over the break. From Mama Drama to total meltdown in the Dollhouse, we have seen a wide variety of mess happening.

If you are just now getting on board with the Dancing Dolls or have been on break too, then you have missed a lot. During the break several girls have left and several Moms have left as well. When the next Season begins in 13 days, Tamia will be absent and Zatia and her Mom Tawantza will be absent from the cast. Due to disagreements, disgruntled folks and limited tolerance for Crap, Ms. Dianna has gone on a Dollhouse Dance Factory Cleanup Session...LOL

So as we get ready to start the new Season, Social Media is burning up with sour grapes. Our wild-eyed, angry mom, Tawantza is taking to the Social Media sites to plead her case and gain support for her supposed injustice. She feels like the whole thing has been a mistake and that Dianna has been unfair. She is targeting other DDP, that she has had problems with, by calling them out with threats and insults. She has gone so far as to attack both Dianna and Robert, with ugly name calling and innuendos of bad behavior. It would seem she is throwing a hissy fit over the whole thing.

We have all seen this behavior from people around us, before. You know those folks that lose their jobs and its ALL because of somebody else? Yes that person! Well, that is what is happening here.

I don't know all the details of the argument, about anybody that left. I know, what we have been told by folks, at the Dollhouse. So, as I have said before...Dianna OWNS the Dollhouse Dance Factory...She is in charge...SO if it was her decision to put folks out, I trust she knows what the hell she is doing.  Having said that, I would like to address our disgruntled Mama, Tawantza.

Sugar, sit down somewhere and put your life together. You are acting ridiculous! You have a beautiful child, that can Why You Still Mad? From the first day you showed up on the show, I had a bad feeling, about your participation. You appeared to be negative and petty and full of yourself. That has proven to be the case, for sure. Your latest antics, online, is definitive proof that you are too immature and too selfish, to make it too far. So seeing how you have acted, just confirms what I knew already.

What is sad about it all, is your child. You could move on and do great things to help her, but you won't. You are spending valuable time, making yourself look like a nut. All those threats and meeting somebody to fight and all of that dumb shit, is ridiculous....GROW UP! YOU GOT PUT OUT! YOU MESSED UP! ACCEPT THAT AND MOVE ON! FOCUS ON YOUR CHILD...NOT ON THE PAST! Don't end up going to jail or messing up the rest of your life, over your anger.

You are not going to make your situation any better by continuing to put this fight in the street. You just look stupid. So WHAT is your ultimate Goal? Is it to prove to the world that you an ignorant, backwards, country bumpkin? OR, do you have the intelligence to wrap up the bullshit and do what it takes to help Zatia, become what she wants to be? It would be a very sad thing to see such a beautiful opportunity go out the window, because you can't see past yourself and your mistakes! And ALL of those SO-CALLED Supporters on your Instagram and other Social Media, LOL....are just there until you are not the newest, shiny object in the box anymore...which won't be long.....they are NOT your friends.

I don't do back and forth arguing on Social Media...ain't down for that....However, I still roll with the Dolls and with Dianna Williams. I still stand firm in my support of their mission and not as an Ass Kisser, as was posted on your Instagram. I don't have to kiss ASS, I see the results of what they do, up close and personal

. So I will continue to defend and support the show and them. Your ranting and raving hasn't changed that. I will also continue to call out the folks that choose to show you. And what you obviously DON'T KNOW, is these folks have put their time in this business...All YOU did was FOLLOW ALONG....If YOU had a valid argument for WHY you were put out, I might feel sympathy for your cause...but obviously you don't. So the question remains? WHY YOU STILL MAD THOUGH? MOVE AROUND & MOVE ON!

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Well DDS Nation...we are only 20 days away from the next Season of Bring It! It has been a long stretch between the Seasons and we are all anxiously, awaiting, the new shows. Over the last couple of months, we have watched many things happen. The rumor mills have been working overtime...Is Tamia gone? Is Zatia gone? Who is going to be Captain? What is a Crab? LOL...All kinds of questions and speculations going on. But it has kept us all busy and not so bored. We are all on the edge of our seats waiting for answers...LOL.

One thing that we have seen throughout this entire break is "Grace Under Fire"! The entire break has been filled with more and more beautiful things happening in the Dollhouse. Dianna hasn't flinched with the all the noise in her ear. When she began this journey, she had a plan. Though the plan may have veered in unknown directions, at has never changed. Dianna knew where she wanted to go a long time ago..and now she is slowly but surely fulfilling each obligation, to get to that goal.

Her Dianna Williams Entertainment...the new school in offices for her corporation..all things that were in the works...long before the show and long before everybody loved her to pieces. Now those dreams are turning into reality. As we get ready for this new Season of Bring It, we also should be ready to watch this Starship soar even higher. It isn't stopping with one more Season. This is just another step forward.

We have watched Dianna and the girls learn to handle the spotlight like Pros. They went from being shy and scared to blossoming into experts at posing for the cameras and dealing with the thousands of fans, clamoring trying to get a piece of them. It has been an amazing journey to watch. From being called a Small Town, Country showing an elegant, educated, well spoken woman, with her own mind and her own spirit. It has been so inspiring to see. I knew from the first time I saw the show, Dianna was going to be here, for awhile. Her determination and tenacity were shining brightly from the very beginning. The hunger for success has served her well throughout this journey.

We are all sitting on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next season and our girls are making their way, across the country, sponsoring Camps and loving the fans. From Chicago to Dallas, girls are continuing to flock to weekend camps to get the chance to dance with Kayla, Camryn and the rest of the Dolls participating.. Fans are filling up the Sunday Shows and getting to spend some great quality time with Dianna and the girls in the "Meet & Greet" Sessions. We have seen such great pictures of them having a blast, all across the country. Watch for me in Dallas...I have 3 granddaughters in Camp and I have tickets for everything...LOL. I hope to talk to our DDP and some of the girls..and if I am SUPER LUCKY, I am going to finally get to give Dianna a hug. I am excited..I will be wearing one of our DDS Nation T Shirts...Watch for pictures.!

So as we countdown to the next Season with our Dancing Dolls, we are excited and anxious to see where they go from here. We have watched Kayla and the other Senior Dolls graduate and get ready to move on to their futures, so we know, going into the new Season, changes are coming. It will be fun to see what transpires next. One thing we are sure of, Dianna is in control. She's got this and though speculation has ranged from total disbelief to total mistrust of her capablities, TRUE Fans KNOW she is smart and no doubt, knows what she is doing. For us, we want to watch her climb higher and to reach more and more folks that love dance and love what she stands for.

Get ready DDS Nation....We are just around the corner from Season 2B....How Will YOU Bring It For The Next Season?

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I just really hate to deal with mess. I say it time after time, in my postings. My goal for this blog is to cover anything to do with the Dancing Dolls and the Show Bring It. My intention, was to make it all positive and all great information type articles. However, it would appear that mess keeps popping up and I refuse to walk away, quietly, when it involves one of the girls, directly.

Yet again, our YouTube Wanna Be Comedian, JustinJ, has decided to bust out with his analysis of something, Doll related. Most of the time and especially when it involves Dianna, I don't speak out much. Dianna is a grown ass woman and baby, she is more than capable of standing up to this punk.

So until, like the previous article, I feel the need to step in, I stand and let her handle it. But this latest attack is on Kayla. And why? Because, he saw a photo of her and analyzed EXACTLY what she was thinking. LOL. Not only is JustinJ a Comedian(not), he is also a photo analyst. He can actually tell exactly what a person's thought process is, by seeing a photo of them. LOL.

So the video, which I won't post, was about Kayla being jealous of  the Triple Threat Tour, which involves Sunjai, Tamia and Crystianna. He got that because of the snake associated with the picture. Again, amazing his psychic abilities. He seems to think he has, an inside track, on how much everybody involved, is making and assumes,  Kayla is mad, cuzz she isn't making as much money as the girls on the Triple Threat Tour! WHAT? He doesn't have a job, but has knowledge of income for everybody....LOL..... I didn't listen to the whole thing because it was just too much.

It was a weak video to begin with and so funny...which, oh wait...if the video was funny...maybe in some twisted, out of this world way, he is some sort of comedian. No, but it sounded good for a half of a second. LOL.

But lets go ahead and pour some of that TEA HE loves so much.

So To begin with JustinJ1232 would appear to be a nice boy. He isn't too hard to look at, though he is hard to listen to.

What are JustinJ's contributions to society?

  1. Extreme lack of English skills
  2. Has no visible means of supporting himself(He has no place to live and no job)
  3. Constant attacks on people he knows, won't come back and confront him directly.
  4. Attacks on children(Appears to be an expert on Children, though he has none)
  5. Becoming an online  beggar(Dude Posted a Paypal Donation Button on his VLOG!..Where's his sign?)
  6. He has no desire to put the effort in, to become anything but a "FREE RIDER"
  7. Entertaining the haters who can't do anything themselves but hate
  8. Attempting to be an Entertainment Critic

So knowing, what a successful and productive human being he is, makes us have so much more respect for his opinion of Dianna and the Dolls. Well no, but he seems to think that it does.

There are rules in life and JustinJ has never learned them.

  1. You can talk shit, if you have done shit.
  2. You are respected, if you have earned respect
  3. You are capable, if you have proven you have capabilities or are working to prove that.
  4. You can offer your advice and it will be taken, if you have the lived enough to have that wisdom to offer. 
  5. You don't talk trash about kids...especially if you are a bonafide loser.

So, I am not going to make this a long, drawn out article. I would like to reach out to JustinJ and say this. Go back to school.....learn proper English...learn to write proper English...vs writing stuff that is obviously, so ignorant. Learn to talk with enough intelligence, so as not to appear to be from 40 miles out in the woods, if you want to be on camera.....Get a damn life for God's sake...a productive. How do you expect to be an online beggar and call yourself capable of judging anyone?

Don't you realize how you look? I mean seriously the way you attacked Kayla....WOW dude...desperation at its best. IF you had anything but that green eyed monster working in your mind, you would be lifting ANY young person up to be greater than they could have been. BUT your anger and jealously is so overwhelming and obvious, it is just sad. Your obvious, SELF IMPOSED, opinion of WHY she posted that picture, at that moment, was a fabrication in your own mind. YOU are not a mind reader or a psychic. You have no profiling experience with the FBI, to be able to determine a person's mindset from a photograph. So Just STOP!

You have gone through the stuff, you have gone through, because of your own insecurities and anger...and because you are too lazy to work, but somehow, you think you are going to win with this type of Video Blog.  And you will always win with  haters...but that won't feed you...the haters ain't going to support your blog with DOLLARS....LOL!!!....WHY? CAUSE THEY ARE HATERS! LOL...They just want to hear you make an ass of yourself, so they can laugh at you....if you are trying to pay for that motel room off of those folks...its gonna be a long night!

I truly wish JustinJ would just stop talking about the would save me time and effort. However,  I won't be silent when it comes to these girls. JustinJ's incessant need to attack the girls of the Dollhouse,
won't be tolerated. You just don't attack kids. The deal here attack them...I will dig and dig and dig until I have the same medicine for you....we can tit for tat all year long....Talk trash.....I talk trash..Totally your choice...I would venture, my attacks can be just as detrimental to your situation as you hope yours will be to the ladies of the Dollhouse Dance Factory....

I can do it as long as you can....LEAVE THE GIRLS ALONE! BE AN ADULT!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


As a rule, I don't get too involved with mess. As another rule, I always use caution when I write about the Dolls or Dianna, or anything to do with the show. Caution in stating things as facts or caution when defending them. Dianna don't like mess either. She tells fans all the time to be bigger than the haters and to hold your tongue...don't respond and keep the mess going...ALL OF THAT! She realizes that if you feed the damn dragon, you better be ready to keep on fighting it.....So in that same spirit of rational thinking, I try very hard to temper my comments and be aware of the fights I choose to pick at.

Having said that, I am compelled, by my conscious and my strong belief, in the goals of the Dollhouse and of Dianna, to answer the latest video from this, shockingly obvious, under achiever and hater. Justin J.

Sorry in advance Dianna & Robert...I have stuck to low controversy and positive articles...uplifting posts and fun information and comments. But just like you, I am tired...I am tired of ignorant folks and bad attitudes from the haters...So I apologize for stirring the pot, but it has to be said by someone other than ya'll.                                              

As I watched this video start, the first question I have is WHY? Why would Justin do this? He doesn't look stupid, much, but yet he feels he can make a life and living, by trashing other people...most notably, Dianna Williams. But to understand why he has chosen her as a target....lets backtrack just a little bit. Justin latched on to Doll Fame early in the process. He saw an opportunity and he jumped out like somebody set his butt on fire. He thought he could just act like a Bull in a China Shop and Dianna would just comply with his wishes....When that didn't pan out, he turned bitter. Now, he spends his life mad and vengeful..about her and her new life.

Since then, he has made video after video about Dianna. He has taken everything she has done and exaggerated it and lied about and used any questionable source to try and validate his theories of Dianna. Now, with all of the controversy in the last couple of weeks, at the Dollhouse, Justin has made yet another video. This one takes the Tamia issues and makes every accusation under the sun about Dianna and Robert Williams.

I don't know the details of the Tamia story. I know what the rumor mills have said and I know what Dianna and Robert have said. I know what other people associated with the Dolls have said. To Tamia and her Mom...I have to say, I am sorry this all happened...Folks loved Tamia for sure. But, I have no intention of trying to figure out who is right or wrong in this issue. I don't have enough facts to make that call and it ain't my business. Dianna has to make decisions for her business..based on many factors. Justin J doesn't have anymore info than I do. He has taken a letter and some disgruntled opinions and used it to bore the hell out of us for, what seemed like 2 damn hours. So here is my response to the video...What deals they made or anything else is something they know...not him nor I. To be so ignorant as to assume, we can judge what Dianna did or did not funny...We are just fans or folks on the outside...LOL

To Justin J:
It is very sad to watch someone crash and burn over ignorance. From your own admission, you have no have had numerous issues over the last few are nowhere. Want to know why? My guess Karma...That Bitch that you keep inviting to your life. You put your ignorance in the street and it came back a sack of boo boo.

While listening to your ranting and raving...I tried to focus on the audience that you might have, from making this video..I know you don't make any money on it but it is clear, you think you have a following. The audience I came up with and confirmed by the comments you had, haters, just like you. They have nothing going on it life and so they sit around figure out, who they can hate today. Of course you make it easy with Dianna...cause you hate her so much. It burns your butt that she ignored you.

Let's clear up exactly what your issues are:


1. JEALOUSLY: If a person doesn't have anything going on in their own life, they tend to always be looking at others. If others have more fun, money or anything else, the hater spends their time being mad at that person. 

2.YOU APPEAR TO BE A THREAT: When people feel threatened by someone, one of the first responses is HATE...It creates the drive and adrenaline, to compensate for fear.

3. RESENTMENT: When you have failed at life or have created problems for yourself that are impossible to fix, you look for anyone and everyone that supposedly contributed to your woes. It is easier to focus on that hate, than to do something productive with your life.

Hate is a powerful tool and has furthered the careers of many. However, you, Justin will realize that all fame and fortune, associated with HATE, is short lived. That same Karma, I spoke of earlier, always rides in the same car with HATE and MEANNESS and all of the other negative feelings and things associated with human nature.

The "WAY" that you talk about Dianna, Robert and others on the show with such disrespect, speaks much louder than the ramblings on your YouTube Channel. You are mad they have money, which you spoke of more than 8 are mad cause they bought a new car for Dianna and they didn't have perfect are mad cause everybody on the show(according to your limited knowledge and experience) aren't getting paid big money for camps and stuff...What else?...Fame...Fortune & Lifestyle! Does that sum it up pretty good? Oh and the Trademark thing...LOL..You were really ranting about that..

I don't know your far as education or anything. I am speaking from the 5 or 6 times, I have watched you, but what I get is, you are very limited, on what you actually know and what you ASSUME, appears to be wide spread and bursting at the seems.  You appear to take a little information and blow it up for the silly asses that subscribe to you, then add that Memphis Country Ass accent, and the small minded mentality to it, then Spin it off the Wall! FYI! That's called a "RAG SITE" "RAG INFORMATION"..." RAG MENTALITY"

You don't have a copy of the contract they don't know how much they are making and you don't know what the inside deal is with the girls....What you don't know...EVEN "Dianna" stand back and judge her and talk bad about her but you don't even see where she has been or why she got to this point. You use her past, as a weapon instead of an example of determination to do better and to help others.

It totally, just makes me silent with wonder, over folks like you...JUDGING...but baby you can preach some bullshit...self righteous and self serving bullshit....about everybody BUT yourself...YOU WANT TO BE SOMEBODY SO BAD....LOL...But WHO have you been? What have you done, positive in life? Have you helped, influenced or otherwise been a good example of succeeding in life? That would probably be a no...LOL But you talk bad about someone who has.....WOW!

Well sugar, you are are are amazingly are outrageously stupid...but you got a YOUTUBE video, with thousands of views....didn't make no money...but folks agreed with you for two seconds....folks with the same HATER mentality...folks who rather hate than help....stand back and laugh instead of jumping in and doing something good in life...but dang, you are there made it...YOUR OPINION...LIKE MILLIONS OF ASSHOLES JUST LIKE the end has no bearing on Dianna...the show or the people left.

So get a grip silly little boy....and grow the hell old are you? 18...oh ain't but you just act that And just know this one last thing.

Dianna Williams and Robert CEO Williams took the Dollhouse, after both completed college and both were involved in the community with kids...and they worked their asses off...they struggled...they cried...they eat a lot of cheap meals...they lost vehicles...their credit took a hit...they lived freaking hard....BUILDING SOMETHING POSITIVE... The parents who have been bringing their children to the Dollhouse for all of those years...did not have a CLUE...Dianna would be where she is now...They are here because she is here...It was the efforts of Dianna and Robert and close friends, that put the time and effort into getting them, to this point.
Dianna and Robert's Blood, Sweat and Tears...not anyone else's...Dianna's dream of reaching girls from everywhere, came true because she busted her ass to make it happen...And YES the girls and parents, have worked their butts off too...traveling and dancing...but they signed on for it...under the conditions hidden clauses or lack of information.

It is apparent that you don't have a clue, what it means to go for a dream. You have never put the efforts in YOUR dreams to make them happen.  You don't have a clue what it means to use one tool to gain ground to other options. You don't have a clue about way too much, for me, to spend my time explaining. Stupid and Hate are not easy fixes...and I ain't your Mama.....You CHOOSE to live off of the backs of others and off of their ISSUES AND PROBLEMS. That's fine. As I said earlier..Karma is a bitch and when you try to act like you are a good person but then your tongue gives you away, it always comes back. God don't like ugly.

And before you say what a suck up or whatever, I am...let me say this....I have spent the last year or more, watching Dianna and this show. I saw the influence it has, through personal family experience...the positive and the beneficial. The change in attitudes of girls around me. For me it has nothing to do with the is the bigger picture. I don't CARE how much money they make or what they do with it...

One thing, you don't see for sure. The main thing, that anyone.... who spends 5 minutes, getting to know Dianna is....... You can only get on her boat... if you are willing to work... as  hard as she has, to get there. She has NEVER, had a free ride..she obviously went through crap earlier in life and she don't have tickets for FREE RIDES, to give out. You don't want to put in the effort and time, then you probably should move around...

If there is a situation involving the Dolls, that offers many have gotten, then you damn sure better be ready to go for it. That means, she opened the door and if you are willing to pursue it, then you can have a chance, to go many have.....NO FREE RIDES....WHY WOULD THERE BE? Life has no FREE RIDES...LOL..She didn't have one....WHY WOULD ANYBODY EXPECT THAT?

So let me offer one last comment about this and if you see this and offer a rebuttal...know this. I don't back up and I don't back down...ever...I don't play about what I believe in..I don't argue with opinion..I argue with facts and Fact is, you are someone who, if you chose to never do another video about what you think you know, nobody would think about it again. And I have to say...I am too...I don't have a status in fame...though I have written over 300 articles and do all kinds of stuff...but my goal was never was leaving a record for my family to know who I was and what I felt and thought about many things...from politics to religion to entertainment.

But everything I write, I try really hard to write, based on facts or researched for the best facts out there. Going to college for Journalism, taught me that much. It would be such an amazing thing if you chose to use your joy, for being seen on youtube, for something other than the "RAG EFFECT"! You may even have a bigger following and a following that is more educated and more interesting, than the current bunch on there. But you probably won't. It is a lazy man's life, who rides off of the efforts he scavenges from others...without putting any effort into it himself...and when they ride is over, he is scavenging for another ride...but NEVER his own ride....

Dianna isn't going away...EVEN if the show stopped filming tomorrow, she has done the same thing she has been doing forever...she has lived what she has preached...GO FOR IT! All of it....opportunities to go outside of the show and expand. So you just keep on thinking that your ranting and raving and repeating the same blah, blah, blah...over and over is going to do anything positive in your will still be the sad little person you are..sitting around with the other haters...hatin life...LOL..10 years from now...and Dianna and Robert and others who WORK for GOOD THINGS, will be down the and loving life...and the only thing anyone will remember about you and your " RAG VIDEOS" are that you were a sad, sad, little man...who can only be the HATER Guy...oh What's his name...Dang...can't remember......

Oh by the way..your comments about Robert and the CEO thing...AND the wonderful, productive, beneficial to many,coaching that he does...LOL...YOU CAN'T DO THAT EITHER...LOL...NOW YOU ARE REALLY MAD...LOL...I BELIEVE THEY CALL THAT SUPER MAD...LOL...BLESS YOUR HEART!

LOL...WOW...That's a great way to go out Dude!..FYI..IF you were really that good at the youtube would have a job by now...probably a clue......Get a Life...or maybe get used to Karma....LOL.

All Comments Welcome...LOL...Let's Go! LOL...

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